Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Break Begins (FINALLY!!!)

Today was the second day of my Christmas break.  It was a good day.

Phil called this morning, and we talked for about 45 minutes.  He seems to be doing well, and it was a great conversation.  We talked and laughed about all kinds of things and everything that’s been going on this week. 

On Tuesday afternoon, I took my last final.  Phil tried to call that morning before the exam, but for some reason, my stupid phone didn’t ring.  It didn’t even show the missed calls. It really upset me that I missed his calls.  He has never been one to talk on the phone much, so when he does call it’s a huge treat.  We did chat online that morning, but I was still disappointed that I missed his calls.  Him calling today was probably better, though,  because I was pretty busy Tuesday morning, getting ready for my exam and packing for winter break.   We definitely were able to talk much longer today than we would have been able to on Tuesday.

After my exam on Tuesday, I drove home to my mom’s house, to spend Christmas with my family.  It was a miserable eight hour drive.  Recently, the fan in my car stopped working, so the heat doesn’t work.  The low temperature on Tuesday night was 17 degrees.  Brrrrrrr…. Yesterday was really cold too, but it warmed up today, which I was very thankful for because I’ve had a million errands to run these last two days.

Yesterday, I went to Phil’s gym and talked to them about getting a membership for the month that I’m in town.  A one month membership is usually $65, but because they like Phil and me, they gave me the membership for $35.  Phil is so sweet.  He paid for my membership. It’s so cold here that I can’t go running outside, and I’m trying to lose weight, so working out through the holidays is imperative.   I worked out today.  J  It was ROUGH! I hadn’t worked out since Saturday because of my final, so my run was very difficult to complete today.  I made myself get through it, though.  Phil’s brother met me at the gym later and we did weights together.  Phil, his brother, and I used to work out together all the time, so it was nice working out with his brother again.  It motivates me more too, so I don’t slack off.  We’re going to work out tomorrow too. 

I’m going over to Phil’s parents’ tomorrow for dinner.  I went over there last night and helped his mom wrap Christmas gifts, but his dad wasn’t there.  He was stuck in traffic for over five hours last night because the weather was so bad.  Traffic in Atlanta is absolute chaos if there’s any kind of ice or snow on the ground.  There was 180 auto accidents yesterday evening during rush hour.  It will be nice to spend time with his family.  Sometimes it’s difficult to find time to spend time with my mom, my dad, and Phil’s family.  I love all of them and I love spending time with all of them, so I’m trying to figure it out. 

Something nice happened today. My mom’s friend called me to get Phil’s address.  A while ago, I made a wish list on Amazon of all the stuff Phil wants and needs and update it as he tells me what he needs.  I try to get as much of it as possible, but because I live on a limited budget and have no income, I obviously can’t send everything.  I e-mailed the list to my mom, and I guess my mom forwarded it to some of her friends.   Phil is running out of the hand and foot warmers that I sent when he first got to Afghanistan, so I mentioned it to my mom and added them to his Amazon list.  My mom’s friend ordered them for Phil today. I’m glad Phil will have the body warmers he needs, and it’s really touching that my mom’s friend cares enough to send them to him.  I know he’ll appreciate it. 

I think tomorrow will be a good day.  I’m going to mail some Popular Science Magazines to Phil. He asked for them a few months ago so I subscribed to the magazine then.  However, I just now started receiving them.  I received three months’ worth of magazines the other day.  It’s kind of more convenient for me to send them all at once, so I’m not really worried about it.  I’m going to mail a Christmas card with them. 

 When I was picking that card out the other day, I almost broke down crying in the middle of the store.  It was really sad, reading all of the Christmas cards, knowing that Phil won’t be here to celebrate.  At least,  I made it out to my car before I started crying.  I still hate crying.  It makes me feel so weak and once I start crying, I feel like I’ll never be able to stop.  Other than that breakdown and the disappointment about missing Phil’s phone calls, it’s been a pretty good week.   It’s been busy and exhausting, but the week has generally been good.  I’m still having trouble sleeping, but at least being around family and keeping busy has made the month go by fast.  Phil will be home less than two months from now!!! J 

Hopefully, tomorrow WILL be a good day, and hopefully, I’ll hear from Phil again. J

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