Monday, December 6, 2010

The Days are Long...

Today, I’m officially halfway done with final exams.

Well, actually, I’m over halfway done with exams, but who’s counting.  J  I took Constitutional Law II and Evidence last week, and today I took the Federal Income Tax exam.
 OMG, the Federal Income Tax exam was BRUTAL!!!  It was only ten short answer questions and five multiple choice, but no one in the class finished in the three hours we had to take the exam.  It was exhausting.  Now, I have to study for my Criminal Procedure exam, which is in four days. After that exam, I’ll be studying for my Professional Responsibility exam, which is four days later.  Christmas break cannot come soon enough!!!
 I can’t even express in words how exhausted I am and how tired I am of studying.  I’m trying to make this my best semester because I want to show Phil that I can be strong and take care of myself, even though he’s not here.  Plus, I want to make him proud and make myself proud.  I want to prove to myself that I can overcome adversity and excel, even when circumstances say that I should crumble. 
One thing I’ve learned is that life isn’t always easy, and getting what you want comes at a price.  This has proven true so many times in my life.  Undergrad at FSU, I worked a full time job and went to school full time.  I worked at a doctor’s office to put myself through school and spent my nights and weekends studying, so I could keep my grades up. I could have gotten a full scholarship in my home state, but I couldn’t see myself anywhere else, so I did what I had to in order to make it happen.   Law school is the same way.  It’s A LOT of hard work, sleepless nights, and stress, but it will be worth it when I have the career that I want.  I look at this deployment the same way.
I love Phil with all my heart and I know I want to be with him.  This deployment SUCKS every single day, but when I have him back and we continue our life together, all the tears, loneliness, anxiety, and everything else will be worth it.   
Phil and I talked for a few minutes this morning via Facebook.  I was relieved to hear from him when I did because I hadn’t heard from him since 4:30 yesterday morning.  I was afraid he’d message me while I was in my exam and I’d miss him.  That would have made me sad. Additionally, if I hadn’t heard from him when I did, I’d be worried about it during my entire exam.  He actually messaged me as I was walking into my classroom to take the exam, so it was perfect timing.  It was nice to talk to him.  He’s always so sweet to me. J 
Hopefully, I’ll hear from him again tomorrow. J

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